Please read over Pre-Procedure
The following may require medical clearance on your doctors prescription pad or letterhead prior to any procedure.
Contraindications for Procedure – Please be aware If any of these exist, T.L.C. will not be able to proceed with your procedure.
Pregnant or Nursing Please reschedule you appointment
Are you under a doctor’s care for any reason
Do you require any pre-medication for any reason, Dental Procedure
Joint Replacement - Titanium Rods - Screws - Stents - Pacemaker - Heart Valve Replacement
Accutane - History of cold sores - Insulin Dependent Diabetic - Seizures - Lupus
Organ Transplant
Blood Thinners (prescribed by your Doctor, not Aspirin)
Shingles within 1 year
Chemotherapy and Radiation full treatments ~ prophylactic chemotherapy is generally safe to proceed
Any active rashes, breakouts, open sores or fever blisters anywhere on your face
Sick with flu/fever.
Active case of rosacea, eczema, psoriasis or any skin condition
Eye Diseases (Glaucoma or graves disease: Hyper Thyroid
Require Waiting Period
Botox or Disport - 3 Days since you can not lie flat at least 5 hours
Topical Acne Cream: Benzoyl Peroxide, Clindamycin, Proactive - 1 week
Chemical Peels that include retinols, glycolic acid ( A.H.A.), vitamin C 4-6 weeks
Laser Resurfacing 8 Weeks
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) 1-2 weeks
Suntanned skin 3-4 weeks
Eyelash extensions must be removed 2 days prior to eyeliner
Contact Lenses must be removed prior to an eyeliner procedure (bring your glasses with you)
Lasik - Cataract Surgery ~ must wait 3 months to heal or 1 month prior to eye surgery1 month prior and wait
Lattisse or any eyelash serum minimum of 2-4 weeks off (causes excessive bleeding, bruising and color may not be retained)
Stye or Chalazion – wait 2 weeks from time of healing
Eye Diseases (Glaucoma or graves disease: Hyper Thyroid REQUIRE MEDICAL CLEARANCE
Blepharitis: CONTAGIOUS - requires medical clearance
Fever Blisters: if you have EVER has 1 in your lifetime, you will require an antivirus (Valtrex) prescribed from your doctor. request enough for your touch up visit
Fillers: Juvaderm, Voluma, etc - 1 week minimum waiting period
Fat transfer in Lips - 1 month waiting period for swelling to subside